Wednesday 24 December 2008

Dear Santa...

Dearest Santa,

You know that I have been a pretty good girl this year (ok I know Ive sworn a bit much, partied a bit much and made direct eye contact with people on the London tube) and although I pretty much buy myself crap on a weekly basis here's a few things (that are kinda outta my legue at present -no job and all) that I would be totally stoked to rip out of their wrapping tomorrow morning...

Alex said it first but I REALLY WANT THESE SHOES... please Santa..

I'll wear them with all kinds of cute outfits and I can even send you some pictures of me looking totally hot in them, but you'll have to hide those from Mrs Clause.

Also can I pretty please have a copy of the new Keith Haring Book... Its so big and full of so many pretty pictures and inspirado, it so heavy it could also double as a dumbel...

Just to prove I love him Santa here's a photo of me in front of a Haring I found in Pisa, Italy!

And here's the last thing that I really really really want (but know I'll never get!)
PLEASE Santa can I have one of these limited edition Karl Lagerfeild bears????

Can you even believe how fucking good these are... Santa they cost thousands of Euros but if you love me you know what you've got to do...

Your respectfully,

Hendrika Leigh Elizabeth Stekhoven-Smith

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