Tuesday 15 July 2008

Fête Nationale

Yesterday (still today in France) was Bastille Day, arguably France's most prolific National Holiday, celebrating the storming of the Bastille Prison way back when in 1789.

This is a major day in France, particularly in Paris where there are Military Parades along the Champs-Élysées and Fireworks at the Tour Eiffel, hopefully next year the Mayorettes can catch it live.

But for this year all I could do was celebrate by Cooking and drinking nice wine.

On the menu Filet Mignon and Gratin Dauphinois with a healthy serving of French Mustards.

Out of a Paul Bocuse recipe book given to my mother by me in 1986 (I was 1).

Vive le France!


Community College said...

wow impressive. I ate 3 day old pasta sauce and lollies for dinner last nite. I hope to convert said pasta sauce into lasagne tmw nite. Mince is like, so versatile. I think i'm getting aneamic from my eating habits...how do you know if youre aneamic? Inside my eyelids is all pale, does that mean anything? I thought that meant something...

Hayley said...

That looks fantastic!