Tuesday 22 April 2008

Where's my coffee?

The last fare evasion campaign was bearable. The latest, described as 'quirky and humorous' is really just a stupid waste of money. Apparently they show how bad luck can strike fare evaders in return for their actions. It even has its own website . Nice one, a Karma Llama, this site is the worst piece of shit I have ever seen.

Here's what really happens: People who don't buy tickets get a free ride and only get busted if they're in a 2 station radius of the city and they have their feet on the seats after 10pm on Friday nights. Oh sorry, you might be asked for a ticket if you're male, wearing a hoody and look under 25.

"The campaign, however, is not just about people who do the wrong thing. ‘Good karma’ is coming to those who pay their way over the coming weeks with train, tram and bus Authorised Officers distributing free coffee vouchers to compliant passengers as a reward." What!? That is complete rubbish. I will refrain from coffee for a week if I ever get one of those freebies.

How about avoiding bad karma by getting me to work on time, assholes.

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