Wednesday, 22 October 2008

Small boobs and drunken texting

Hello all in Mayoressville, I'm backkkk!
And recharged and tanned as shit, however I can already feel the stress slowly ooze back in after just 6 hours of work, nooooo.
Anyhoo. Will write up a little CC at the Beach post soon but our dear friend Jess when I was away requested I blog about something and so I will. And I will do it through her drunken messages to me about, at 2 in the morning when I was going to sleep on my first night on holiday:

Text one:

"Sabi, Shop 2 127 Greville St Prahran. 75 percent off underwear only small boob sizes left til end of the month. Amazing Lucy works there and I got mad shit 75 percent off blog it."

Hmm okay seemed a little odd at 2 in the morning, and what's with the mention of small boobs huh! haha. But I do love Sabi and underwear so I'll check it out fo sho, but the texts keep on coming...

Text Two:

"I don't know how to use my phone and I'm drunk gagagagaggagh"

Text Three:

"Just to clarify..Mad underwear thats cheap. Sizes for thin bitches i'm wasted go to Sabi you will thank moi x we hump on the weekend xx"

Text Four:

"Jess...Lord of the gays..Goodnighiv x"

hahahaha I might add I hadn't actually written one text back at this stage. Ahhh love it. True things still know you wanna know bout discount underwear sales even when they're totally wasted. Love ya Jessie.


Soph said...

I got the last three too!
Hayley got the best ones though.
I love Jessies

Anonymous said...

Ohhh the pain... the pain!

They're closing down October 31st so get in before it's too late!

Luvs ya- Jessie xox