Now that we have all of the Mayorettes on the blog covered, we're starting Q and A's with some of our favourite people. The ladies you see here can consider themselves honorary Mayorettes!

I met MAFIA (the owner of Melbourne) a while back at Favela Rock. I noticed that she rocked the dance-floor hard each time she DJ'd so thought maybe I'd just throw a little Hayley Mei her way as a little 'thanks!' for encouraging us all to get crazy.
I handed her an 'Urban Legend' necklace, the one with the 90's. Who doesn't like shoes? Little did I know, MAFIA lives for shoes. She just happens to be the Senior Content Producer for Sneaker Freaker and has most recently blessed the women of the world with Sneaker Freakette - content and a forum just for the girls out there.
When she's not doing that, she's out Promoting and DJ'ing and often opening for super famous awesome people. She works damn hard - making me frequently jealous of her accomplishments and ashamed of myself for being a bit lazy.
One of my favourite things about MAFIA...she knows what the hell I'm talking about when I drop names like Damon Pampolina and Fred Savage.
Take note ladies - Get inspired and motivated and smile already!
Tell us about yourself:
I talk about myself way too much. I consider myself a charisma creator. I can't believe people don't tell me to shut up more or stop talking about myself. I'm what you call self deprecating, a mechanism I learnt after spending years being put down by my brothers and mumma! It's the, "I'll get in with the joke before you can say something awful to me".
I live for promotion, networking and small talk. I'm not too keen on chatting with someone for more than 5 minutes, hence the reason I DJ. I have a massive ego. Something I just only realised. I'm 5 years off of 40 yet still get carded in bars WITHOUT FAIL (I call it Ralph Macchio disease!).
I write about sneakers for a living. I also spin records for a living. I work my ass off because what else is there to do. I love my life. I smile everyday. Everyone asks how I look like I'm 12 - it's cos I smile every day. I created this life to be happy in. I like to make people laugh. If I can't, it bothers me no end! I want my own sitcom. Or talk show. I want everyone in the world to know me. Full of myself??? NEVER!!!! Hahahahaha. Sarcasm is the top of my ladder.
What have you been doing lately?
What haven't I been doing. I worked Mon- Wed talking sneakers, I DJ'd Thursday night at my new night
HOOCHIE MAMA at ALIA, I slept in Friday and then had dinner with Diplo. Then onto my residency at Revolver then straight to my other night Bossy that I run at First Floor. Sat I chilled in the sun with my girls at Orange only to then to go sex toy shopping in Commercial Rd, to a spending big on prawns, oysters, crabs and fish for a massive seafood bbq buffet at my mates. Sunday was all about breakfast at 3pm, then Roc Raida at Section 8 onto my housemates parents for authentic Italian pasta and wine. Perfect! My weeks are always different, but my structure is always, three days work, three nights Djng. PERFECT!
Do you have any secret skills?
I have double jointed fingers! Shits is gunna give me arthritis in 5 years or so. I can play violin, piano and recorder. None which I am good at. I am a failed actor. I was in HEAD ON and BAD BOY BUBBY - both of which, if you blink, you miss me. I can take bras off girls thru their tops very easily.
Favourite drink? We're talking booze here
Gotta be either cranberry x vanilla vodka or raspberry absolut x lemonade. I'm a lolly water kinda gal!
Can't leave home without
My personality. Oh and my iPhone, Blackberry wallet and keys. All of which if I don't I'm fucked.
Signature lose your shit track/s:
Man, I get tourettes on the dance-floor to so many songs..I'm like 'BITCH, THIS MY JOINT' to at least 20 songs. I don't know. I'm used to making other people lose their shit on the dancefloor.
Shout outs to: Wow, its like I won a grammy! My sidekick for life Sloane, SNKRFRKR fam, Hayley Mei and Sophie Soph, my girls - Max, Mara, Cleo, Tam, Traize, everyone that says hi to me, even tho I have no idea who you are! IF you know me, then that's enough!
Any last words:
Well I can never not talk about myself. But big ups to Hayls mama for bringin the fly life to Melbourne with Mayoress. Look out for a Mafia x Mayoress or a MAYIA collab comin soon yo!
that was a great read!
heads up girls...
and i saw mafia on ralph tv a little while back now hehehe mad kicks collection :O
kudos & all the best!
Cheers IMC... amazing collection!
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