Never lose hope
I'd pretty much given up on New Years. I had such a shit time last year and I was kind of over it anyway, expectations are too high and it is rarely amazing, just a long night, too many drinks and no cabs to take you home. I Don't do festivals, so I was up for a quiet one.
Until I got this in my inbox:

YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH BOOOYYYYEEEESSSSSS! Not to mention the Jungle Brothers too...So unless Ronson is going to do a special Mayorettes party along with Wu Tang, Brother Ali, Del, the singer from the Kooks and Janes Addiction, I'll be seeing PE on New Years Day. Organise your tix people, I'm guessing it'll be a sell-out.
The Espy really comes up with some gold sometimes.
* Public Enemy tshirts were banned at my high school. They were 'offensive' .
WOW!!! Now that has made me excited about New Years!
And that Jungle Brothers track has awoken me from my lazy slumber!
Wonder if they're doing any other shows?
New Years is looking up! x
But the whole Jungle Brothers Sound System has me - damn dj set! Guess it's better than nothing..
And now all the more reason to hang around in Melb! hehe!!
True, I hate that shit... kinda like they have to trick you into seeing a DJ.
Ooh hopefully I'll be back in melbs for that, gotta work out what i'm doing as i'll be goin to Qld for xmas and not sure when i'll be back. so funy the other nite we were watching rage stoned and tricky was programming it, for some reason i thought Tricky was a white man that looked like chris cornell up until then haha. And Pauls like no, he's black you idiot. Then a public enemy song came on and I didn't realise and i was like whoah tricky looks way different than i thought! and doesn't sound like how i thought either and pauls like ummm that's flava flav. hahahaha i'm such a dumb fuck!
I saw Tricky at BDO many moons ago. I waited hours up the front to see him. He made them turn all the lights off (ol stoney could barely open his eyes).
1/2 way through the show the only lyrics he could manage were, "I can't remember the words....I can't remember the words".
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