Judgement Day - The Thunderclaps
This was posted a while back on TAOS. It was so good that I've stolen it.
Orifice Vulgatron, Ghetto, Shameless, Deadly Hunta.
This was posted a while back on TAOS. It was so good that I've stolen it.
Orifice Vulgatron, Ghetto, Shameless, Deadly Hunta.
Posted by
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
I love awkward teenage girl stuff, perhaps it's the fact I never grew boobs that I can still totally identify with the awkwardness of pre-pubescentness. Nobody does it better than the classic 90s movie "Welcome to the Dollhouse". This is my shit right here. It's depressing but hilarious at the same time. Dawn is so cute in a really pathetic heart wrenchingly embarassing way. I think everyone felt like her at some stage, and if you haven't you were obviously one of those pretty blond girls who had a boyfriend at 14. I hate those girls. Those girls suck and have shit jobs now and big fat tuckshop arms and can't tan. Ahhh facebook, i fucking love you.
If you haven't seen this shit, buy it, steal it, just watch it. Dopeeeee.
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Community College
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Did a bit of searching round and apparently all the nerdilingers at In the Mix think they have it sewn up as FATBOY SLIM (um cool if it was 1998), THE ROOTS (Cool but hardly original), STANTON WARRIORS (um? dance shit i'm guessing), PENDULUM (as above), WALE and YELLE (more dance shit). Actually I heard Ladyhawke is playing too which is cool but not $130 cool.
Apparently Fuzzy made up this cryptic press release with sound bites and clues ala Burgo's Catch Phrase, oooh viral! Nah it's actually a pretty cool idea (hey I'm bloggin bout it) I just hate marketing bullshit. Which is problematic with my job haha.
But yeah seriously, they better bring out something better than this or the ITM geeks better be wrong coz this be LAMMMMEEEEE.
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Community College
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
The Footy is very much over and after another 'last week in September' I am over hyped, over it and ready for the Cricket. Bring on the 20/20's.
So I thought to put the footy to rest for the season (unless Benny Cousins escapes Rehab or Wayneo Carey smashes his GF) I'd leave you with these.
Peter Hellier/Strauchnie was supposed to wear them on Before the Game, before the game but I don't think he did. Which sucks enomously because Andy Murphy, the artist that did them, stayed up all night working on them so they would be ready.
Hopefully I am actually allowed to post them. Oops. Bye Bye Employment.
But on a side note Andy Murphy has recently completed an Artist Series run of Tees for Stussy, which are set to hit stores in October.
I don't have much other information on him and Google Searches only returns Andy Murphy, the House DJ from OneLove, who funnily enough I made out with when I was a little tacker as we are from the same (overpriveledged) hood, except I live in the shit part.
Sorry for digressing, this artist is dope, more info as it comes to hand.
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Tuesday, September 30, 2008
The 1st Announcement for the Big Day Out 2009 Lineup has now been made. I am overcome with a sense of Excitement and Confusion.
Arctic Monkeys
The Prodigy
TV On The Radio
The Ting Tings
Neil Young
The Living End
All the Other Emo Bands I have never Heard of.
So as far as first rounds go I am not overly compelled to throw my money at the promoters. The best thing about Big Day Out season is the After Party at Cookie and the numerous Side Shows where you can catch your favourite acts without the Tool fans. It will also give me a chance to stalk Alex Turner, he's not quite Mark but his Music makes up for what he lacks in looks, which isn't much in the above picture.
The Prodigy is also super super super exciting and particularly Nostalgic, listening to their music gives me a vivid picture of who I was at that age, what I was doing and all the things that happened to me at that time. That is by far the single best quality about a great album. The Fat of the Land LP played a massive part of my early musical education, whether it is cool to admit it or not, it put me in touch with much more of their older catalogue and heaps of early 90's electronic music that I had never heard of. It was certainly a gateway drug in my Musical Knowledge.
Even more so was also from the Prodigy camp, the Liam Howlett Dirtchamber Sessions mixtape did a great justice to my understanding of early days Hip Hop and the beats from which it Spawned, taking in elements of Punk, Hip Hop and Electronica it is an LP I have held onto well over 10 years, which is a pretty signigifant space in my small time on this earth. He is now married to Natalie Appleton from UK Girl Outfit All Saints, who I must say I was quite partial too around a similar time to Fat of the Land.
Somewhere sometime after Australia Day and Big Day Out week and having no money from drinking every night of the week, being sunburnt from sitting outside the pub from 11am, sneaking into gigs and trying to blag free tickets from the door bitch there is Good Vibrations. I haven't heard anything about the lineup (maybe Alex the Superstar Insider has?) but you can try and guess it here. I gave it two pages, felt stupid and gave up, but if anyone wants to sit at their computer, work it out and email me I will put a photo of them on the blog and make them a hero!
Alternatively we can all wait 2 days until October 2nd where it will be announced. Fingers crossed for Santogold. That is really the only 'Hip Hop' thing I care about at the moment unless someone is going to grow some balls and bring out Tribe, De La, Pharcyde, Wu and Nas.
And for Big Day Out 2nd Announcement the Kings of Leon and The Strokes will get me there. We shall see.
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Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Net A Porter really is the most amazing place on the Internet at the moment.
They have recently signed a deal with the Soho House group of Hotels where guests at their Soho Hotels in London and New York as well as guests at Babington House in Sommerset, can now have an Emergency Wardrobe service where Garments are delivered to their rooms within 12 Hours of Purchase.
They look set to tackle the Outlet Market for Luxury Goods, also online, with their latest venture the Outnet. There is little information available regarding the site but if it is anything like the Sale Pages on Net a Porter it will be amazing.
But the reason I think they are so amazing on this particular day is because they have secured Alexander McQueen's Pre Spring 09 Runway Show for exclusive view through this site.
You can view his Private Collection, watch a Behind the Scenes mini Documentary, view a Retrospective of his work and of course Shop the Looks. Most interestingly they have shot each Model one by one where a Narrator deconstructs the garments and their construction and talks about how they fit in the overall collection.
Not something to watch with your boyfriend but if you are interested in this kind of stuff its pretty amazing to have access to all this information before the Collection has even been shown to the Fashion Press. Most excitingly the collection is pretty amazing, despite only comprising a few garments, these two by far my favourites.
Also in my Inbox this morning were these little Chloe Numbers. Purple has never looked so good.
Posted by
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
The festival season that is. I had free tiks to Parklife yesterday and just as well they were free as I spent a mint on alcohol and was basically shit-face drunk the entire day. I was so pissed I couldn't text. But had a nice time. Melbourne festivals I've found are always a bit less skank than the same ones in Queensland that I'm used to. I put this down to one thing and one thing only, lack of Goldcoast cunts. My god, you aint seen skank (male or female) til you've seen Goldcoast skank. Bikinis, cowboy hats, fake tans and that's just the dudes. So yeah, fun day but to be honest the only thing I really remembered was Dizzee Rascal at the end and that was still hazy. So much vodka man, so so much. Woke up in the middle of the night with a heinous hangover but faired pretty well today. Having a festival on a Sunday is just retarded, I'm sorry. What half-wit came up with that idea. Someone who works hospitality? But enough bitching, here's the pics...
Purdy weather
I match the bin yo. Note the Claw Money tank out in force. Fuck I love warm weather, be gone jeans and hoodies!
Ferris wheel and sunsets ahhh
Bumped into a girl Carla in the VIP area that I met at another festival off my face, ah destiny! We are the blonde and brunette drunken bitch versions of one another.
I turned Japanese for a while there apparently
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Community College
Monday, September 29, 2008
Paul Newman died at 83 yesterday losing his battle with cancer. This dude was awesome and a truly great person who I really do admire. Clearly he was an a-grade hottie (see pic). He was also a great actor. And he made dope salad dressing, like seriously awesome shit (have you ever tried it? it's the best) I'm totally buying one next time i go to the shops in honour of this great man. He donated HUNDREDS of millions of dollars to charity from the sale of his condiments and did it in a really un-showy, look at me Hollywood way, which I think is really refreshing and honourable.
Rest in peace old mate. You're a true icon and will be missed.
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Community College
Monday, September 29, 2008
So I took my own advice on Friday Night and swapped Dinner for a Jumbo Popcorn and some Cinema Style entertainment. There is Fuck All good flicks on at the moment and the Dark Knight is only on at reasonably inconvenient times. I am pretty sick to death of Will Ferrel and that other idiot from Talladega Nights making the same movie with different Names and Settings so Step Brother wasn't on the Cards.
Usually I stick to Comedies or Indie Rock scored flicks like Juno or Napoleon Dynamite but for this special occasion I broke the box office and went with Eagle Eye. Some thriller with Shia LaBeouf in it, which was really the only reason I went to watch it, as he is so fucking hot it is borderline ridiculous. Case in Point;
Anyway the Movie was Dope! I'm not going into plotlines because I tried to on the weekend and it made it sound B-Grade and shit (And don't hit the Wikipedia link on Eagle Eye above if you don't want the Plot Ruined). All I will say is that I hate political films, films about Terrorism and Arnie style Rambo wannabe Action Flicks, and despite this having the potential to be all those and worse it was really clever and fucking Intense.
Nice surprises were Rosario Dawson and Billy Bob Thornton, Rosario in her first non Kids, non Tarantino, non Smith, non Rodriguez stereotype Rosario role was also really dope. Not often does a flick like this come along that actually pulls it all off, the last one I saw was Blood Diamond, which if you haven't seen I would thoroughly recommend. Anyway if you're looking for a way to kill a couple of hours for cheap, check it out on Tight Ass Tuesday! If only for Shia!
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Monday, September 29, 2008
People that have never been to Melbourne could not comprehend what this city is like on Grand final weekend. City streets echo with cries of "Whatcha dooooin for the Granny? Carrrn the Hooooorrrrks", then after the game people spill into the streets and carry on and fight each other. Maybe it's the only time of year you'll see a grown man cry, because his team lost but he also fails to remember that if you lose the Grand Final, you've still come second, you're no where near that wooden spoon.
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Monday, September 29, 2008
Extra cheese...here's one for summer. Just around the corner!
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Monday, September 29, 2008
I'd pretty much given up on New Years. I had such a shit time last year and I was kind of over it anyway, expectations are too high and it is rarely amazing, just a long night, too many drinks and no cabs to take you home. I Don't do festivals, so I was up for a quiet one.
Posted by
Sunday, September 28, 2008
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Saturday, September 27, 2008
So is it just me...or you over this goddamn dress already! The Hervé Léger Bandage dress. Ladiez, I get it. You have a good body but FUCK! Do you need to strap that shit so tight I can see every fucking contour. This has got to be one of the most narcisistic ensembles ever! Strictly for those coked up nights because a) you're gonna need the confidence of Janice Dickson on crack to put this shit on and b) forget even considering eating in this one. I'm waiting for this shit to trickle down to high street and see all these fatties trying to make it work. By fattie I mean anyone over a size 4 as fuck this outfit would be unforgiving. Guess Kim Kardashian looks pretty good in it though. She's not fat though, just shapely as a motherfucker! She's like 5'3 apparently, damn! That's curves for days at that height. You also need big titties for this one otherwise...well i hate to think of what it looks like. I would look SO fucked in this! haha. Soph could prob rock it but. Netaporter it Soph! When they gonna release an it- dress that looks good on midgets with no boobs?
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Community College
Saturday, September 27, 2008
To me this seems like one of those collaborations for the sake of collaborations. Kaws x Marc Jacobs.
Hmmm, is it just me or are these kinda fugly? Pink and black, eww. Kaws has remixed the Marc Jacobs mouse shoe and...yeah I'm not feeling it. Also I think Kaws is getting a bit to the point of over-saturation at the mo. I live his work but it seems like I can pick up anything these days without him all over it. Time to herald in a new artist for a bit I reckon...
Thoughts? Anyone like these?
Posted by
Community College
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Behold the new issue in all of it's awesomeness!
Cover shot by Estevan Oriol and featuring gear from Hellz Bellz, Princess of the Posse and Cubannie Links.
The new ACCLAIM will be out when you read this (I'm told) so get on it, as okay, kinda biased, here but it's like the awesomest issue everrrrr! Check our cover by the awesome Estevan Oriol. Inside is another dope spread by him but you'll have to buy it to see it *wink*. Haha. Estevan was so great and easy to deal with, it truly was an honour to work with such an awesome LA icon and the results were fantastic. Inside this issue are a bunch of other rad shit like Hayley Mei gear in our photoshoot which I helped style (well the girls haha). There's an interview with Kid Sister, DJ Yoda, Lemar and Dauley, profile of KJ from Not Bad for a Girl and all this other cool stuff that I can't remember coz I have pushed it out of my memory from looking at the fucking thing for so long! Ooh wait, it's my first issue where I got to write the editor's forward. Yes it's history baby. I'm available to sign copies at the launch party (news coming soon!). Haha. Get on it!
Posted by
Community College
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Labels: mag
Mr Rascal is playing tonight and I have now decided instead of moping on the couch and crying about my recent Divorce I would like to go, but I am in no position to pay $60 + Booking Fee to see him at the corner. Particularly on the throw my money into a bucket of alcohol and clothing tip I've been on recently. Shit is going to get so gnarly and two minute noodle like closer to payday.
So party people with all the hookups I am proposing you donate 2 tickets to this worthy cause so I can drag Alex with me and we can give you the following in return;
Blog Fame
Photos with the Mayorettes
Buy You A Drink
Make You an Internet Hero
I wish there was more that wasn't so arrogant and vapid but its all I got. If you are a Size 9 Mens I could probably donate a pair of my sneakers. All offers or emails to info@hayleymei.com.
Alternatively I would really like some Buttery Movie Popcorn so if any of the girls want to catch a flick hit me up!
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Friday, September 26, 2008