Enough of winter already! I'm completely ready for Summer time. Bring. It. On.
I know I'll be whinging when we have those 40 degree heat waves, but please! 25 degrees plus from now on. PLLLEEEEEAAASSSSEEE!!!!
Don't get me wrong, I don't mind Winter, I've just had enough for this year.
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Wednesday, November 19, 2008
wont be long Hayley, bear with it! I'm feeling the same tho, so i just randomly went and booked a flight to Gold Coast this morning. Its plastic, but i'm a theme park fiend and flights were $45 return!!! Less than i spend on dumplings in a week.
$45! That is amazing. Are you hitting all the parks?
hopefully yeah, love my theme parks...only problem with the water parks is being completely blind with my glasses off, so i have to be led round like an idiot haha, looks like i have a carer....oh, and i'm incapable of perving cos i cant see past my nose:(
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