Collaborations are so-o now: Dizzee x Mafia x Dance Floor. 2 minutes of Favela Rock glory.
Getting close to 4am and dancefloor shenanigans are at their peak:
Carly, I think I hit you in the face with the camera at 0:19 - so sorry!!
Good times.
Getting close to 4am and dancefloor shenanigans are at their peak:
Posted by
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Sprankles, Sparkles, Sprinky, whatever you'd like to call him, this is him on his 7th Day of Snowboarding after clearing a bus. He Commits.
More snowjoy to come, just have to steal the camera from boyfriend.
Posted by
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
I grew up in the 80's and partied in the 90's and you already know that I was an NKOTB fanatic, I was completely embarrassed about it for ages, but now it's been long enough and I can have a laugh now (but also cry because NKOTB merch ain't worth shit on ebay).
Pre internet, I had a bunch of like minded pen pals who used to send me these friendship books which I just came across the other day (It was way cooler to call them FBee's or =FB=). The first time I was sent one, I was like, What the f?, they were full of all these abbreviations, smileys and shit. Turns out, you just wrote your deets down along with other stuff like your favourite New Kid or song lyrics and decoration was a must. I used to tag mine with pink posca, I thought I was mad rebellious.
Anyway, when the book was full you were meant to send it back to the address on the front. But by the time I was old enough to write my age down as =6teen= I was too busy dating boys from one hit wonder bands and slipping in the side door of the ANU bar - The reason why half the teenagers in the world never got their books returned. Sorry. If these are yours, let me know.
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Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Again our favourite UK purveyor of Female Goods, Karen Jane (Not Bad for a Girl), has collaborated with UK favourite Addict (which we all look sponsored by thanks to Sanch) for a wicked Winter 08 collabortion.
She has done a Tee and a Hood (pictured) that looks hot to trot. Hayley and I have been rocking our Hoodies to death this winter and they come highly recommended. No one is touching the zipable hood, proper collared Addict Cotton Hoods, they are quite simply the best design on the market.
Also online she has posted a sneak preview of what's in store for NBFG Winter 08. Looks pretty damn fly.
When crusing through her blog it was pretty mental to see me sucking my thumb and hitting Hayley's (delicious) ass on the front page. She thinks we are from Sydney, no dramas for someone from the UK but don't anyone else try it!
I'll be sporting my NBFG goods in support of all things UK at New Mic Order.
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Wednesday, July 30, 2008
You can't have good taste all the time, that would be boring, just ask Galliano. Marc Jacobs has done a line of Nylon 'Tate' Totes for Fall/Winter 08, in tasteful Black and Cream and then this.
Not sure what you could wear it with, it would need some Sunshine but I love it. $190 at Net a Porter. Bring on Summer.
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Wednesday, July 30, 2008
CC and Mexi got to sit and chat with Mr George A Romero over 9am G&T's, I was not so lucky. But it is pretty damn great that I still got to be in the same room as the man as he introduced and played us his favourite Movie, Martin.
I love Melbourne!
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Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Hama Beads. Can you believe they don't even have a website? That's old school. I used to make these things out of Neons and Glitters till the Cows came home.
Nice and Old School safe too, Kids using Irons, awesome.
I spent my childhood reasonably obsessed with Hama Beads and Lego - which is hilarious because I am anal and like organised things. I never used to cross Lego colours and all my Hama creations were perfectly colour coded, similar to my kicks right now, lined up in Style/Colour order.
Anyway I digress. on further Google investigation I found a little Swedish lass by the name of Cajsita making some pretty dope Hama Bead necklaces, I have seen an AK47 that was homemade but this is pretty pro. They aren't HM but they've got their place.
Also stumbled upon a webstore that Hayley Mei should totally be living in. Behold Chocosho.
Again I digress, we should have a Hama Bead party, maybe not because we'd all commit Booze, get Joy and burn ourselves with Irons. But Hama Beads is my throwback of the day, nestled lovingly with homemade 2 Piece Summer Tank Top/Short combinations, coloured plastic beads for bike spokes and scrunchies. Can't tell I grew up in the 90's?
Posted by
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
We got through 8 Slabs of Coopers and 2 Cases of Wine over the past 9 Days, between 6 of us not the worst effort. Not to mention the Canadian Club, Jack Daniels, Chivas, Vodka, Champagne, Lunchtime Cocktails and everything else we ingested at pubs, clubs, cafes and the likes.
On top of this we ate like kings, lots of meat, cheese, antipasto and more wine to wash it down with. Yesterday on the gourmet drive home I had Slow braised Beef Cheek from the King River Cafe and bought $40 worth of stinky soft cheeses from the Milawa Cheese Factory, washed down with a tasting at Brown Brothers and another box full of delicious wine. Help.
As a result my insides are pickled with booze and arteries clogged with cheese, worth it but its time to detox. I end up doing this at least twice a year, always after Christmas and NYE when you could pretty much roll my Turkey Fat Ass down the street. Monday 4th August it is on, others are welcome to join, one always feels better after these events however being horrid to loved ones is a side effect.
There is no Meat, Alcohol, Caffiene, Dairy or Wheat. So its basically Vegetables, Fruit, Rye Bread and Digestive Bitters, not for the faint hearted. If you need convincing as to why to do this check out this site for some suggestions. For me its about Mind, Body and Wallet.
Starting after this weekend of course, couldn't miss New Mic Order, I want to get my Jehst on (better play Water Torture Mex!)
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Tuesday, July 29, 2008
I would like to start a series where we go through shit (but awesome) stuff we liked pre-boob days (and no jokes that that is the current state of my life ok, i get it i have no tits). Ahem..anyway, yes they were simpler times. No job, no money worries, no urinary tract infections and fights with your boyfriend, ahhhhh. And best of all, with the money you did have you spent it all on dumb shit like comic books, craft sets and stationary (actually I kinda do that now).
When it came to stationary, nobody macced it in the 80s-90's quite like LISA FRANK. Lisa Frank is a US artist who did all these AWESOME tacky illustrations of ballerina pandas and momma and baby whales canoodling and shit and had SO many fuckin products it was truly ridiculous. I had a fluffy pen and some penguin stickers. But here is some of the beauty and majesty...behold LISA FRANK.
These ads used to appear in Betty and Veronica comics. Man i used to love the ads in those. I was always pissed they were only for the US. I was so excited when I went on holiday there when i was eleven coz they had so much gnarly shit for a little girl, like a trillion different lip smackers (whoah someone should totally post about them!) and a million Sanrio stores, again, i totally still dig all that shit.
Alas these aren't mine....but i did collect erasers. Dont think i had any lisa frank ones like this but i had a heap...where the fuck are they, under my mums house in a box of shit no doubt. Same as my soap collection. Yes I had one of them too.
Ah, a classic Lisa Frank scene. How much fun are these guys having? I think heaven will look something like this. I like to think so. But have booze involved and no food can make you fat, especially nachos.
Aw, look at this little guy. Go ahead and like include all the shit I love why don't you Lisa. Okay so I don't LOVE beaded necklaces, but if it was a candy one i guess i'd be down.
Ahhhh, wait where did everyone go? Am I boring you?
Posted by
Community College
Monday, July 28, 2008
Labels: lisa frank is my homegirl
Press Release:
Are you a woman with a loud mouth? A foul-mouth?
Can you drink any bloke under the table?
Are you more interested in footy than fashion?
Are you a domestic disaster?
Consider yourself a party animal?
If this sounds like you, then you might be a “ladette” – a foul-mouthed, loud and uncultured young woman who needs a crash course in etiquette and manners.
Following the highly successful UK reality show Ladette to Lady, which is set at Eggleston Hall Finishing School in England, Channel Nine is currently searching for Australian ladettes to take part in a new series of Ladette to Lady.
If you want to be part of the Australian version of Ladette to Lady, or you know someone who does, log onto for all the details. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to change your life, including a trip to the UK to attend Eggleston Hall Finishing School.
Applications are only open for a few weeks so do not hesitate to apply.
Um, hello! I missed out on Australian Princess (lost my passport or some shit and couldn't apply) but is this my next calling?? Actually I'm not gonna apply coz i have a job and i'm not a fuckin idiot but if i was still at uni I would be hitting this. I don't care about footy, but I think they could frame me as a 'rank party girl' rather than yobbo. I mean I have yakked in my own bed through drunkeness a number of times surely that counts for ladette (twice with a boy in it too, i AM class). I could go on about my exploits but some of them are just too rank, I am truly ashamed at my behaviour at times that i rather not get into it. I have tamed heaps man, ooohweeee when i was 20, shit, I'm lucky I'm not dead haha.
I also have lots of drunken pictures of myself to send with the application. This is a fav from uni days. I had a habit of just passing out cold from over drinking in which my 'friends' found it HILARIOUS to sit shit all over me, drunken jenga stylz. Looking through all my old photos tho I have come to realise I've aged about 5 years in 6 months. Damn u ACCLAIM!!
Posted by
Community College
Monday, July 28, 2008
Labels: skankalicious
So you might have noticed that I've added a countdown to the right, for Season 3 of Dexter - The best show on earth. I love Dexter, he's my secret TV boyfriend and I'm going to marry him.
Posted by
Monday, July 28, 2008
After a solid week and a bit of Boarding (I'm not going to say Committing becuase I Comitted like a bit of a (shit) girl) I was kind of welcoming spending my Monday not falling off a chairlift or being hungover or eating 2 Minute Noodles for lunch. However peak hour trains, freezing cold in innapropriately not warm corporate attire and the general bore of sifting through 150+ unimportant emails has left me suitably disenchanted with life, so much so I'd rather be here.
As we were driving off the glorious mountain that is Falls Creek, the snow was romantically falling on our little heads, a continuation of a fresh dump that began at 1am the night before when I wandered home from the pub through the trees. Fresh Powder this morning would be a nice change to fresh Coffee, however the Melbourne coffee I had this morning was pretty boss. But for now I have to go back to the enchanting world of footwear development and entertaining executives, not joy.
Stay tuned for the Mayorette guide to Falls Creek, its going to be Boss.
I will also explain why I keep saying the words Joy, Commit and Boss so much.
Posted by
Monday, July 28, 2008
and for the folks that are unlucky enough to have YouTube blocked at work:
Hands in the air, please.
Posted by
Monday, July 28, 2008
Hot Damn! Thanks Opulent Crew, for another fantastic Favela!
See you next month...
Want more?
Posted by
Sunday, July 27, 2008
For anyone at the costume party on Saturday night that asked who Jem was. Shame on you! (Under 25's excluded)
Posted by
Sunday, July 27, 2008
George A. Romero is in town
A perfect Friday morning - Coffee's, G & T's, zombies. Alex, you're a fucking legend!
PS: Zombie's don't run. They amble.
Posted by
Sunday, July 27, 2008
What iiiis it gooood for?
Absoloutely nothin!
PS - I'm still using it.
Posted by
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
I caught my first sighting of this when one of our favourite LDNer's, Josephine the Rebelle flashed her twits. Then I received an email from the lovely Mel asking if I'd heard about it. THEN the NY times said it was the next big thing. Reluctantly, I signed up last night - will I get hooked? Probably.
Have a look at Twitter.
Posted by
Wednesday, July 23, 2008