Sunday, 31 August 2008
Dope! New Not Bad For A Girl launches 5th September (Northern Hemisphere), get it at
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Sunday, August 31, 2008
Saturday, 30 August 2008
HM in Vancouver
HM creeps into Vancouver. Get it at Sharks and Hammers and Sweatshop. Thanks Sopho!
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Saturday, August 30, 2008
Munny Show - Vancouver
June this year - volume #2 Munny Show @ the Modern.
Featured artists:
Stephanie Babiarz. Jason Pultz. Dragonflower.
Brent Clowater. English. Rhys Hastings.
Jimbow. Jeff Denomme. Sueme.
Mike Gilbert. Albert Art. Dacosta.
Raine Anderson. Nick Roddam. Judson Beaumont.
Sol Sallee. Dave Kite. Mark Atomos Pilon.
Peter Ricq. Rhek. Amanda Rude.
Colin Moore. Bentone. Angela Ling.
Nomi Chi. Alana Rempel. Amanda Henry.
Kimberley Cairns. Clio Chiang. Mark Jansen.terrifying.
now displayed at sharks + hammers store. baby zombie gandhi.
rhek's piece from behind.
and from the front.this is what the people in my neighbourhood look like.
nomi's amazing piece. also on display at the sharks + hammers store.
Posted by
Saturday, August 30, 2008
wanna get with me, with no money oh noooooooo...
Okay so I’m totally fucking my no smoking and blogging rule. Ooh lordy but I just feel like sharing you now. My god Mayorettes, I have had magnificent and prosperous times tonight, something crazy awesome happened (not life achievement wise but just good wise) tonight but I can not tell you about it until the storm blows over but we’ll see but other than that just stressing bout ad sales boring finance and the like.
In other news my princess of the posse crop tee arrived the other day SO cute but need to do a little shapin/tannin up. With high waisted style shorts it's pretty forgiving and really comfy, hello festival gear. Shout outs to Kelly B for hookin me up. Love my State-side ladies who are all eager as hell to help with shoots and have magnificent product, same will Cubannie Links...and Hellz Bellz, they were all awesome. Want to organise a trip to the states next year. realllly keen for a US holiday, been there only twice before and fuck I had the best time. Maybe wouldn't wanna live there but maybe not who knows. But economic climate bit scary currently, so glad for our industrial and business ties to the sleeping giant that is china right now.
Anyway hang on, what the fuck was I talkin bout, my top right. Yeah I wanted to post the vid that I am trying to channel to rock my crop top but fuckin BMG had embedding disabled the cock smokers. You can see it here tho. It's worth looking at serious, so preteen hotness, so teenyybopper rnb goodness right now. No surprise I love this song, think I’ve posted something bout it before. Chantal stand up! But this comes a good second to the kinda midriff action you need to try and channel to rock it with confidence. Fuck TLC rock my world. I’m waiting for the next girl rnb group to come close and no Destinys Child didn't come close.
so fuckin hot
gotta go to bed too high x
Posted by
Community College
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Labels: no scrubs
Friday, 29 August 2008
Thursday, 28 August 2008
Guilty Pleasures
I've been meaning to post about this for a while but I have literally been too engrossed with the storyline to get around to it. I love The Hills. I used to watch Laguna Beach when I visited my Dad's Foxtel loaded pad, which led me to some curiousity about The Hills, the story of Lauren Conrad leaving the Laguna Nest and making her life in LA.
iTunes does TV Shows now and must have some special arrangement with MTV to upload the new episodes playing on Foxtel after their Screening on Monday nights. So I am right up to date, and as I have a Video iPod and an hour or so of Public Transporting a day it is the best way to pass the travel time I have ever had. Basically little LC drives her (Parent Bought) BMW 3 Series down to LA, sets up shop in a (parent paid for) West Hollywood apartment and attends one of LA's premier Fashion Schools FIDM, whilst interning at Teen Vogue. As much as I am on Team Lauren she is still a bit of a spoilt brat that buys her (shit junky lockup rehab) boyfriend Jason a bag of Callaway Golf Clubs (think in the thousands) for his birthday when they have been together a minute and he is a controlling jealous asshole. He buys her Chanel for Christmas, they are all too cashed up for their own good.
Along the way they pick up Audrina, who lives in their Apartment block and Whitney who works at Teen Vogue. These are the only two with a semblance of Normality about them.
OK so it's not exactly SBS material but sometimes one needs to think their (low) opinion of innoculous, vapid people matters, and nothing gets me going more than Heidi Montag, the eternal moron slut. She is a front runner for the dumbest bitch in the world. She said she woke up after her Rhinoplasty and Boob job and said it was like Christmas. To paraphrase her 'ew'.
And to make matters funnier/worse, she has just released her debut single 'Overdosin' and launched her new website where she can parade her little vapid plastic ass around. She looks like a train wreck, case in point;
Anyway if you haven't watched the show you are not going to know what I am talking about, but I implore you to go to your Video store and start from Season 1. It's like the real life Melrose and we can't all be smart and cool all the time. Alternatively maybe we need a Hills Night for the Mayoress Crew, so you can all feel my pain bitches. Expressions of Interest welcomed.
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Thursday, August 28, 2008
Jahizzle's birthday
Birthday boy got a lobster bib.And then tried to see how well it would work at protecting his balls from hot clam chowder.
Posted by
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Wednesday, 27 August 2008
Women who motivate us to get anno and better ourselves
So, I tried to sign up for that pie and the site wouldn;t open. Sign from god much? And my work email is fucking up so it's post time. I pay props to Soph's gwen stefani motivational picture and now I shall post my own. Jessica Alba. I actually think she's a terrible actress and hella boring celebrity (get a dui and a coke habit already!) but good lord she is attractive in this GQ shoot. I actually have this issue at home just for this shoot. She looks SO good. Needless to say the interview is boring as batjizz as so is she but damn girl. I wanna look like THAT!
Posted by
Community College
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Labels: batjizz
Not For Alex
Free Pies here. Cheers to Sanchez for the heads up (and waists out).
I don't actually eat Pies, I think they're Suss (go figure I ate Roasted Bone Marrow, Quail & Blue Cheese/Mould on the Weekend) but I'm sure most of our Boyfriends do, by the multiple.
This leads me to Alex's previous post, I think every girl I know is feeling a bit like Bridget Jones at the moment. White Skin coupled with contstantly Covered Limbs, Comfort Food and lack of Sun is sucking away my motivation for life and the feeling that one could ever look remotely like Miranda Kerr.
So I'm joining a gym, yuk I know, but its time to be proactive. Want to come to Pilates CC? I'm sure Paul would be into the results. Other than that its all about Running, I hate it so much but if you want to drop it off and keep it off its the way to go. Maybe the Mayorettes could run around the Tan once a week?
Other than that the following Wonderfoods make you full, are super healthy and about -10 Weight Watchers Points a serve. I would like to pretend that Body Image issues don't affect me but I know the Weight Watchers Points Formula off by heart.
Eat Chickpeas, Lentils, Coucous, Polenta, Rye/Multigrain Bread, Low Carb Beer, Wine or Straight Spirits, Bitter Dark Chocolate, kick Soft Drinks and say goodbye to Salami, Cheese and Butter.
Anyway this is starting to sound tres Oprah but you just wait till Summer when we all look like Gwen Stefani (and if I get as hot as the above picture I am wearing Leather Pants with my G-String showing too).
Posted by
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Tuesday, 26 August 2008
muppet dog!
I don't get clucky, like at all. Babies are gross and shit themselves and are heaps of work and you get in trouble if you leave them at home and you can't take them out drinking, HOWEVER dogs make me lose my shit.
I love dogs (cats can go smoke a choad. They're like cute littel dudes that love you heaps and are GENUINELY crazy excited to see you all the time and sleep in cute little beds and have big cute eyes.
I want a dog SO bad. But i'm out all the time, and live in a stupid apartment with no yard and pauls all anti getting a dog so this dream is not likely to happen any time soon alas, which sucks as i'd be a rad dog owner. I'm a very good fish owner for starters.
Now and then i look on the rspca at the dogs up for grabs. Mostly big stupid kelpie dogs *yawn* but randomly there's some cracked out little funny dog i really wanna this guy!:
I love him. He looks like a goddamn muppet. His ears don't match his face and he has a funny look on his face like a hand puppet. Plus he doesn't even have a name :(
Theres no way i can have a dog here but hopefully i'll move to a proper house one day and can get myself a muppet dog.
Posted by
Community College
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Labels: muppet dog
Diet time!
Errrgh. I look like this guy man only whiter.
Anyone know any diets that work hardcore and let me eat pasta and drink alcohol still? And don't require exercise.
I could do that soup thing. And I do sit ups okay so i'm not totally lazy. but no running.
And I'm serious, suggestions?
Posted by
Community College
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Labels: fat gut cat
NYC Juxtapoz September Issue
Wow. I want it.
Look for Juxtapoz’s 2008 September issue to hit newsstands as the art magazine dedicates an entire issue (and what could have been many more issues) to the world of New York graffiti. A list of some of the Big Apple’s most dominant players are featured including Seen, Quik, Ket, Haze, Ghost, Crash, Freedom, Cycle, Lady Pink, and Revolt. Furthermore, there are articles with Jest of ALIFE, Krink, Cope 2, Claw Money, West One of Supreme, Mare 139 and SP.One. Two covers were produced with Seen producing the general release cover while KR doing up to the subscription version.
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Tuesday, August 26, 2008